Alpha Opportunities Inc. is an organization directed by the people supported.
Alpha’s philosophy rests in the use of positive behavior supports. These supports stem from a strong person-centered value base which places dignity and respect for the person at its core. The emphasis is on outcomes important to the person. It promotes positive changes through environmental alterations and reinforcement of adaptive behaviors. It is based on collaborative support for the person supported. This process keeps everyone involved in the person’s plan. It ensures that any attempt to alter behavior must be united with earnest protection of the Person’s constitutional and human rights. This is all to be done with the intention to improve quality of life and minimize the need for more restrictive interventions.
- Alpha has been in business since the early 1970’s.
- OPPORTUNITIES Inc. was an agency in charge of the group homes. Alpha Industries oversaw the day program.
- In June 1984, the agency became Alpha Opportunities, Inc.
- The agency continues to grow in both the number of people supported and the variety of supports provided to them. Alpha Opportunities Inc. currently supports around 60 individuals and employs about 100 people.
- Alpha Opportunities was originally incorporated in 1984.
Licensing and Accreditation
AOI is accredited by the Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL). Our organization continues to strive for excellence in defining our processes as outlined by CQL. An accreditation review based on Quality Measures covers all aspects of our agency and focuses on continued growth and development. AOI partners with CQL to develop services which lead to positive individual outcomes and enhanced community involvement.