Day supports are centralized at the Alpha Opportunities training center.
Services are provided for adults 21 and older. Using active supports, people we support can set, and reach their personal employment-related goals.
Day Habilitation services include: job coaching, supported employment, volunteer opportunities, competitive employment, and offers support for those who have reached retirement age.
Day Habilitation Services
Job Coaching/Supported Employment
Staff assist people supported with job skills. The job coaches work with people supported 1 on 1 and or in small groups. In addition to working on skills related to performing specific job tasks, the job coach also helps with interpersonal skills necessary in the workplace.
Volunteer Opportunities
Staff assist people supported with various volunteer opportunities in the community. Volunteer opportunities are based on people’s desires.
Competitive Employment
Alpha Opportunities Inc. works closely with Vocational Rehab services to assist the people supported to achieve competitive employment and independence. By working with business owners and employers, a job is secured based on the potential employee’s skill set.
Retirement Age
We provide meaningful activities to those who have chosen retirement or are in search of recreation/leisure-based options.